Cascade Bulldogs

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Your Guide to Showing Bulldogs

What Makes a Good Show Dog?

What makes a good show dog? This is a question we sometimes hear from those interested in entering their dogs into dog shows. It was certainly a question we wondered ourselves when we first began showing. To be a successful show dog, a dog must, of course, meet the breed standard. But there’s more to it than that.
A good show dog must also have a calm and capable handler and possess an inner charm and confidence; a certain je ne sais quoi. We’ll detail exactly what we mean by that and more in this guide on what makes a good show dog.

01. Watch out for the heat and humidity

In order to enter a conformation show, your dog must conform to what’s called a breed “standard”—a list of ideal physical traits specific to each breed. Every breed has its own standard, which the American Kennel Club (AKC) publishes and oversees. Dog show judges refer to the breed standard when assessing dogs competing in a dog show. They look at the dozens of required characteristics and then evaluate the dogs to see how well they measure up.

Some of the physical characteristics they consider include:

  • Eye color, shape, size, set, and depth
  • Skull circumference
  • Ear size, shape, and set
  • Face and muzzle size
  • Coat texture and color

The judges also consider temperament, demeanor and disposition. A bulldog’s disposition, according to the Bulldog Standard, for example, must be “equable and kind, resolute and courageous (not vicious or aggressive).”

02. They Have Charisma

While conforming to the breed standard is vital for competing in a dog show, matching the breed standard alone isn’t enough. This is because the top dogs that compete in prestigious shows are often near-perfect replicas of their breed standards. What’s more, they’re impeccably trained.

At that point, how do the judges pick a winner?

This is where a dog’s personality and temperament can come into play. A good show dog looks like they clearly want to be in the ring. They move freely and confidently. They must also work well with their handler and demonstrate character, showmanship, and charisma.

03. Handlers Matter, Too

Sometimes the outcome of a dog show is determined not by the dog, but by the person handling him.

If you talk to show dog handlers, you’ll often hear them say something to the effect of “it travels down the lead.” A show dog is trained to be in-tune with his or her handler in order to react quickly to every command.

This can be helpful when a handler’s in a great mood, as his or her calm demeanor will be infectious, “traveling down the lead” and positively influencing the dog’s performance in the ring.

But it can have the opposite effect as well.

Dogs have superior hearing and smell and will often sense when a handler is nervous, tense, or upset. They’ll detect any changes to the handler’s tone of voice and will literally smell their fear. This can make a normally serene show dog jittery or on edge.

If you plan on being the handler for your dog in the ring, do what you can beforehand to calm your nerves. Take some deep breaths or listen to some calming music. Handlers have also been known to chew mint gum to mask the scent of fear.

Show Quality vs Pet Quality Dogs: What’s the Difference?

Breeders use the terms “show quality dog” or “pet quality puppy” when discussing litters, which can be confusing if you’re unfamiliar with the terminology.

A show quality dog is a dog that the breeder believes will place well in dog shows—meaning, their physical appearance and temperament appear to match the breed standard. These dogs usually cost more and some breeders will only let show quality dogs go to “show homes” (i.e., homes where the owners are committed to having their dogs compete in dog shows).

Read: How to Pick a Show Quality Bulldog Puppy.

A pet quality dog is a dog that has a quality (or qualities) that will likely disqualify him or her from competing in confirmation shows. This is often something minor that most dog owners would never notice, like the wrong eye or nostril color (yes, really) or a slight wave in the tail.

But just because a dog has been labeled “pet quality”, doesn’t mean that he isn’t every bit as beautiful and wonderfully tempered as a show quality dog. It only means he doesn’t perfectly match the standard.

Discerning between a show quality vs pet quality dog isn’t an exact science. Sometimes a perfect-looking pup will grow up to be too big to compete, or a gangly looking six-week-old will develop into a graceful show champion. This is why breeders will often wait six-to-eight weeks so that they see how a dog will turn out before they prepare them to go to their forever homes.

The Importance of Finding a Quality Breeder

Although ensuring your dog meets breed standard, has a great temperament, and has an experienced handler is a great place to start, what makes a good show dog can often be subjective.

When it comes to each breed’s standard, there’s some wiggle room there, which allows show judges to, well, use their best judgment when determining which dog qualifies for a ribbon.

This is why it’s important to work with a quality breeder when selecting your next show dog. An experienced breeder who has a history of breeding and showing champion bulldogs will intuitively know which characteristics to prioritize and which to overlook.

How to Enter Your Dog into a Dog Show

If you’re like a lot of dog lovers we meet, you’ve probably watched the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and thought: “Hey, that looks fun.” And maybe you’ve even thought that might look like something you’d want to do one day yourself. Afterall, you have a handsome dog. And he’s pretty well trained. He’d do great in a dog show, right? 


While most dogs can become well-behaved pets with the right love, training, and attention, it takes a specifically bred dog to excel in dog shows. For show dogs, breeding is everything. Your dog may have the most adorable personality and the friendliest smile, but if he doesn’t closely match the breed standard (i.e., if his ears are slightly too long or his head is too narrow, etc.), he won’t place well in any show, let alone a prestigious one like Westminster.

But if you’re confident your pooch has the precise look judges want, go for it! Dog shows are a lot of fun. And participating in one can feel like belonging to a secret club. You may be competing against one another, but there’s a real feeling of camaraderie in dog shows that you won’t find anywhere else.

Before we delve into the types of dog shows and the details on how to get started in dog shows, let’s first review how they got started in the first place.


The History of Dog Shows in the US

An advertising poster for the Chicago Kennel Club’s Dog Show, circa 1902.

The first dog shows were held in England in the 1850s, when they were included as side attractions in cattle shows. While the first official dog show was launched in Newcastle, England, in 1859, the first dog show in the US occurred only a few years later, in New York in 1863. In 1877, the first formal dog show was held in the US by the Westminster Kennel Club. 

In 1878, the American Kennel Club (AKC) was formed, and nine breeds of dogs were recognized, which included the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, English Setter, Gordon Setter, and several breeds of spaniel. Most of these first charter breeds were hunting dogs because they were the most sought after breed of the time.

Bulldogs first became eligible for registration by the AKC in 1886 and French bulldogs in 1898. 

Today, the American Kennel Club recognizes 200 breeds and represents the largest registry of purebred dogs on the planet.

The 3 Types of Dog Shows

Most official dog shows in the US are organized around a set of rules maintained by the American Kennel Club (AKC), which is the largest not-for-profit purebred dog registry in America. 

Over 22,000 AKC-licensed dog shows are hosted in the US every year. To compete in an AKC-sanctioned show, you must register your dog with the American Kennel Club to ensure your dog is purebred and can demonstrate a healthy genetic line. 


Below is an overview of the most common types of dogs shows:

1. All-breed shows

If you’ve seen a dog show on television before, it was likely an all-breed show. Like the name suggests, an all-breed show is open to all AKC-recognized breeds that meet show qualifications (the dog must be six months or older, must be registered with the AKC, etc.).

2. Specialty shows

Specialty shows only feature one breed of dog (or, in some cases, a few varieties of a specific breed). For example, the Poodle Club of America specialty show includes three breeds of Poodle (Standard, Miniature, and Toy). In the Bulldog Club of America speciality show, on the other hand, only Bulldogs (or “English bulldogs,” as the general public sometimes calls them) can compete—French bulldogs must compete in their own show.

3. Performance shows

All-breed and specialty shows are conformation shows, and therefore focus solely on how well a particular dog conforms to their breed in structure or movement. A performance show, on the other hand, judges dogs based on how well they perform certain abilities, such as agility and obedience. 

Some performance shows are open to all breeds, while others focus on a single breed and that breed’s innate talents. For example, basset hound performance shows test basset hounds on their scenting skills, a dachshund performance show might test a dachshund’s ability to locate prey underground, and a performance event for a herding class of dog, like a border collie, would test the herding dog’s ability to move sheep around a field or enclosure. 

How to Get Started in Dog Shows

So now that you’re familiar with the types of dog shows, you may be wondering how to enter your dog into a dog show or how to get started in dog shows. Read on to discover all the details.

01. Learn the Lingo

Before getting started in dog shows, you’ll want to learn the correct terminology. For example, for most dog shows, a dog show isn’t actually called a dog show! The official term is “conformation.” And the word “dog” actually only refers to male canines. For female canines, the correct term to use is “bitch.” 

When you’re first starting out, learning what may seem like a foreign language can feel overwhelming, but don’t worry. Once you read through the materials provided by the AKC (American Kennel Club, another important term!), you’ll slowly get the hang of it.


We’ve compiled all the most common dog show lingo into a detailed guide: Dog Show Terminology: 20 Terms You Should Know Before Entering a Dog Show.

It’s important to learn the proper terminology because knowing the vocabulary will not only help you understand the showing process, but it’ll also ensure you don’t stand out as a complete novice at your first show.

02. Double Check Your Dog is Eligible

The last thing you want to do is become an expert at dog shows, only to discover late in the process that your dog does not meet the criteria to compete.

Only purebred dogs are eligible to compete in conformation shows. Mixed breeds, as well as spayed or neutered dogs, are ineligible. 

Your dog will also be disqualified if it’s discovered that he or she has undergone a surgical procedure to enhance their appearance in order to better conform to the breed standard.

In order to compete, your dog must also:

  • Be six months or older
  • Be registered with the AKC
  • Have up-to-date vaccinations
  • Be in good health

Read the AKC Dog Show Rules for a full list of requirements and regulations.

04. Learn How Judging Works

Judges evaluate each dog by the criteria detailed in the official written standard for each dog’s specific breed, which is managed and updated by the breed’s national club.

A standard includes guidelines breed:

  • Structure
  • Temperament
  • Movement

As previously mentioned, judges don’t care how adorable your dog is—they only care how well your dog conforms to the standard for their breed.

This can be somewhat of a subjective process. While all judges are experts in the breeds they judge, they are also each judging based on their own “mental image” of what the ideal version of the breed should look or act like. This can differ slightly person to person.

A bulldog dog show (called a specialty show, because it features just one breed), for example, will often have several bulldogs that conform closely to the breed standard—and the differences can be so subtle, they’re nearly indistinguishable to the untrained eye. Dog shows can be quite competitive, but that is also what can make them exciting to watch and participate in. 

During the judging process, judges inspect each dog, using their hands to go over the dog to examine the muscles, bones, and coat texture. They even inspect the dog’s teeth. They’ll also look at each dog from multiple angles and observe each dog’s gait (the way they move) before deciding on a winner.

06. Enroll your Dog in Training Classes

Of course, you can learn to train a dog yourself, but it might be easier to take a class if you’re just starting out. When you’re new to dog showing, dog training classes can be just as much about training you how to behave in a ring as it is about training your dog.

Some of the skills your dog will learn in a show training class are:

  • Gaiting—Your dog will need to know how to move properly around the ring so that the judge can readily observe the dog’s gait and structure. Gaiting usually involves trotting with the head held up.
  • Stacking—Your dog must be able to stand squarely while keeping still. Called “stacking”, this is the position your dog will assume during the judge’s examination. 
  • Backing up—Your dog should be able to back up on command.
  • Tolerating being touched—Your dog will need to be comfortable being handled by strangers during the judging process. This is critical, because if your dog behaves aggressively during a dog show, he or she will be disqualified immediately.

07. Attend a Dog Show in Person

Perhaps the best thing you can do to prepare for entering your dog into a dog show is to attend one as a spectator! You’ll get to watch the entire process from start to finish and can see first hand everything you’ll need to do when it comes time for you and your pooch to step into the ring. This will give you a crash course into the world of dog shows and can prove to be the most effective way to familiarize yourself with everything you’ll need to know. 

The best part? You can attend most dog shows for free.

Search the AKC website’s database to find a dog show near you.

If you’ve found this blog helpful, we invite you to please follow Cascade Bulldogs on social media. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for more dog show tips and for updates from our bulldogs. Our brood of bulldogs regularly compete in top shows across the country. 

See you in the ring!

03. Study the Process

Before you enter your dog into a dog show, you’ll want to understand what a dog show is and what it isn’t. A dog show may look similar to a beauty pageant, but unlike the Miss America pageant, judges aren’t comparing the contestants in a dog show with one another, but rather against each dog’s specific breed standard. For a crash course on everything you need to know about dog showing, we recommend reading the AKC’s free ebook: A Beginner’s Guide to Dog Shows. But here is a general overview.
Dog Show Classes
American Kennel Club conformation shows offer seven classes for dogs to compete in. Each class is divided by gender, so males (dogs) in the novice class, for example, will compete against other males in the novice class while the females (bitches) in a novice class compete against one another in a separate competition. After each of the class winners have been declared, all the dogs that won first place in their class will compete again for the title “Winners Dog” (for males) or “Winners Bitch” (for females). If your dog is a puppy (i.e., under 12 months old), you’ll have the option of entering them into the “Puppy Class.” If your dog is older than a puppy, or if you’re looking to compete in other classes, you could consider one of these classes:
  • 12-18 Month
  • Novice
  • Amateur-Owner-Handled
  • Bred-By-Exhibitor
  • American-bred
  • Open
For a full explanation of what each of these classes entaisl, read the AKC guide to Conformation Dog Show Classes.

05. Join a Local Kennel Club or Specialty Club

While you can find a lot of information online (including in our blog and on the AKC website), sometimes the easiest way to learn how to get started in dog shows is to talk with the experts in your area. You’ll meet dog show champions when you join an all-breed kennel club or a breed-specific specialty club. 

Local clubs can also point you toward quality training classes that can help prepare you and your dog for the show ring. 

Visit the AKC website to find a local chapter in your area.
