Cascade Bulldogs

Bulldog Puppies Pregnant Bulldog

Bulldog C-Section Planning Tips

Everything You Need to Know For Your Bulldog’s Big Day!

So your bulldog is going to be a mama! Congratulations. Now it’s time for the hard work! Since 90 percent of bulldogs require a Caesarean in order to deliver, it’s safe to say that you have a bulldog c-section in your horizon. Here’s a guide to what to expect and how to prepare your dog and your household for the arrival of the latest additions to your fur-baby family!

First step: Estimate when your litter is due

A bulldog will be due to whelp 63 days after she’s ovulated. You can tell when your dog is ovulating by having your vet check her progesterone levels (a bulldog will ovulate when her progesterone reaches 4 to 8 ng/dl). In order to ensure your bully doesn’t go into labor prior to your Caesarean surgery date, it’s a good idea to schedule your appointment for a day early (at 62 days after ovulation instead of 63 days). That way you won’t run the risk of making an emergency vet trip in the middle of the night! Because due date timing isn’t an exact science,  however, you should start monitoring your dog closely for labor  signs 48 hours before her surgery, just to be on the safe side.

Snow White the Bulldog pregnant with first litter
Here is our bulldog, Snow White, 24 hours before her c-section, looking very pregnant and very ready to have those babies out of her belly!

Preparing for your Bulldog C-Section: What to do before surgery

Prepare your home

Section off a quiet, warm area of your home or kennel that you can designate for your puppy nursery. Make sure you pick an area that is out of reach of children or other dogs.

Gather all the proper whelping and neonatal care supplies

Though you should ask your veterinarian for a complete list, some of the important supplies you’ll likely need will include:

  • a rectal thermometer
  • a room thermometer
  • a heat source
  • iodine for umbilical cord care
  • a puppy scale
  • a system for recording puppy information (the puppies’ weight, temperature and urine color, for example)
  • a feeding tube
  • puppy formula
  • a medi-nurser baby bottle
  • a dewormer
Where we keep our bulldog puppies

The countdown begins! 

1 week prior to surgery—Avoid applying any topical flea or tick products your dog’s skin 7 days before her c-section date.

3 days prior to surgery—Veterinarians recommend that three days before your dog’s scheduled surgery, you apply an Adaptil (DAP) collar. These come in two sizes, and emit a pheromone that veterinarians believe can help with maternal skills.

2 days prior to surgery—If you feel comfortable doing so, it’s a good idea to give your bulldog a bathe so that she’ll be clean for the surgery and clean for when she starts caring for her puppiesThis is also a good time to shave the part of her abdomen the veterinarians will be tending to, as this will save time the day of the surgery.

The night prior to surgery—You won’t be able to feed her the morning of the surgery, so make sure she eats a a decent-sized meal the night before!

Morning of the surgery—Again, do not feed her the morning of the surgery. The exception being if she is on any medications, then you can coat her tablets in wet food (but use as a little as possible). She may drink water the morning of her surgery, but remove her water source prior to leaving for the clinic.

What to bring to the surgery:

Here is a list of items veterinarians recommend you bring with you to the clinic the day of your bulldog c-section:

1. A tarp or tablecloth (preferably vinyl) to cover the seats or floor of the car
2. A large crate for your bulldog
3. Blankets and towels
4. Heating pad and inverter to run the heating pad
5. Plastic laundry basket to carry the puppies home in. Drape a towel across the inside.

What procedures are performed during the c-section?

Many veterinarian practices recommend you arrive to the clinic one to two hours early. Though the standard procedures may differs slightly between vet practices, here is what you can generally expect will happen during the operation:

Before the surgery:
1. First, an evaluation will be conducted to see if your bulldog is in active labor. This may involve a vaginal examination.

2. An x-ray or ultrasound may be performed

3. An IV catheter will be placed, which will require her front leg to be shaved.

4. She will be shaved for surgery

5. Blood may be drawn to test progesterone levels

6. Her tail will be wrapped so that it is kept clean.

During the surgery:

When all of the pre-op prep work is done, your bulldog will be taken to the surgery suite, where anesthesia will be administered and the c-section will take place. After the veterinary staff provide neonatal resuscitation and post-op care on the puppies, the placenta is removed, the umbilical cord is cared for and then the puppies are brought into an incubator or warming area. Ask your vet if you can assist the pups as they nurse for the first time, as this is usually done in the clinic.

bulldog puppies c-section

After the surgery:

You’ll be given a number of medications to take home with you, including pain medications (usually MetacamR (meloxicam) or RimadylR (carprofen) for post op pain management), Reglan/metacam (to aid in improved lactation by increasing milk production) and Oxytocin (to help with lactation).

Bringing your new puppies and happy mama home

Make sure your bulldog puppies are kept warm and comfortable

After you bring your new doggy mommy and her puppies home, you’ll need to monitor your bulldog carefully to make sure the puppies remain safe under her care. Do not leave her and the puppies unsupervised until you are sure they are safe.

Keep on the lookout for the following:

  1. Make sure your bulldog mommy does not lay on her puppies
  2. Check your puppies weight, temperatures and urine color twice each day (and record your findings) to make sure they are nursing enough and gaining weight.
  3. If any of your pups aren’t gaining enough weight or aren’t staying well hydrated, you may need to bottle or tube feed them.
  4. Check your bulldog incision, mammary glands and temperature once per day and monitor her appetite.

When to call the vet

  1. If any of the puppies are fussy, refusing to nurse or are not gaining an adequate amount of weight, it’s a good idea to contact your vet. Also call the vet if any of your pups have dark colored urine.
  2. If your bulldog has a fever higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit or if she isn’t eating or drinking much, you shouldn’t hesitate to call your vet. Also double check with the vet if her mammary glands are swollen or if her incision looks infected.
  3. While it is normal for your dog to experience bloody vaginal discharge the first days, if there appears to be a lot of blood or if the discharge seems to have an odd color or odor, it’s best to play it safe and give your vet clinic a call.

What to expect at your first post-operation vet visit

When you come in for your post-op checkup, some of the procedures you can expect will include:

2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks post-op—Deworming (for both the puppies and the mom)

10 to 14 days post-op—Removal of C-section sutures

8 weeks—Health exams, health certificates for travel, microchips and first vaccinations

About Cascade Bulldogs: Cascade Bulldogs is a blog dedicated to everything you ever needed to know about raising and showing bulldogs. The site is managed by Eddie and Gail Harris, who raise and show English bulldogs in Seattle, Washington. Please follow us on Facebook for more helpful bulldog-related advice and info. You’ll also receive daily updates on our nine adorable puppies and our show dogs, Wildflower and Snow White.

Health Tips

Summer Safety Tips for Bulldogs

Snow White and Wildflower are fortunate to live in Washington State, where the summers are relatively mild in comparison to other areas of the country. Where elsewhere temperatures in June and July may reach the triple digits, in the Seattle area, the average high is in the low to mid 70s. Just because the temperatures aren’t scorching, however, doesn’t mean that bulldog moms and dads shouldn’t remain vigilant. Bulldogs are extra sensitive to heat and if they aren’t able to regulate their body temperatures, they succumb to heat stroke, which can be deadly.

In addition to the obvious ‘no’s no’s’ like “don’t leave your bulldog alone in the car” and “don’t tie your bulldog up outside in the sun”, here are some safety precautions to take this summer to ensure your bully remains happy, healthy and safe:

Tips for caring for your bulldog in the summer

For more bulldog health and safety tips, read our guide to caring for your bulldog.

About Cascade Bulldogs

Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog managed by Gail and Eddie, the owners of two bulldog show dogs, Snow White and Wildflower. This blog is dedicated to providing information about raising, training and showing bulldogs.

Bulldog Breeding

9 Important Questions to Ask Your Bulldog Breeder

Bulldog breeder in Seattle

If you’re looking to add a bulldog puppy to the family, it’s important you choose a breeder who is honest and reputable. This will help ensure that whichever bulldog puppy you go home with, he or she will be healthy and well tempered. Because even the most virtuous and well-intentioned bulldog breeders might not have the right amount of breeding experience and bulldog knowledge to be able to guarantee your bulldog meets AKC quality and health standards, which is particularly important if you are looking for a show-quality dog.

Here are nine questions to ask your bulldog breeder before you make your decision:

1. How long have you been breeding bulldogs?

While an experienced breeder is usually better, a lack of breeding experience doesn’t necessarily mean you should rule them out. However, a first-time or inexperienced breeder should have done their research and be extremely educated on all aspects of breeding, raising and showing bulldogs. If they’re new to breeding, ask them where they got their information and if they consulted with other breeders beforehand.

2. Is breeding a full-time business?

Unless your breeder owns several bulldogs, breeding shouldn’t be a full-time business. If it is, this could be a sign they’re over-breeding their dogs. For most breeders, the business is merely a hobby or at most, a part time job.

3. How old are the puppies?

It’s important that puppies remain with their mom and brothers and sisters for at least seven weeks. If the breeder is selling them at five or six weeks age or younger, go with another breeder.

4. Do you think a bulldog is the right breed for me?

A bulldog isn’t for everyone and an honest breeder won’t hesitate to tell if you they think you’d be better suited with another breed. A good breeder will care about his or her puppies and will want to make sure each of them go to a loving home. They’ll be honest about some of the pitfalls about owning a bulldog (for example, their shorter life span and plethora of health problems) because their puppies’ happiness is more important than making a sale.

5. Can I meet the puppy’s parents?

You should at least be able to meet the mom. This is a good idea because you’ll want to make sure she is friendly and confident; this is a sign she’s been well cared for and has a good temperament; which your puppy will hopefully have inherited. You want to try to avoid choosing a puppy whose mom acts overly shy or aggressive.

6. Where are the puppies kept?

bulldog drinking


Where we keep our bulldog puppies

Bulldog puppy pen

If puppies are kept outside, they should be in a shaded area with access to water. If it’s hot or excessively humid out, however, puppies should be kept indoors.

You want to make sure the puppies are kept in a clean kennel area that allows for access to food, water, toys, and a comfortable sleeping and play area. If the breeder won’t show you where the puppies were raised or will only bring out the puppies one at a time, this a sign the puppies may  not have been well cared for.

7. Do you have the pedigree and registration forms?

This is particularly important if you’re looking to show your bulldog. Even if you aren’t, however, if you’re paying for a purebred dog, you want to verify that the puppy is indeed purebred before taking it home. A pedigree will be able to confirm this.

8. Can I see the puppy’s health record?

A health record will show you important information about the puppy’s health status as well as a record of what vaccinations he or she has received and when he or she was wormed.

9. Can I return the puppy if I change my mind?

While you should hope that this isn’t the case, you may decide that a bulldog just isn’t the best breed for you or that a puppy is more work than you can manage at this point in your life. If this is the case, you want to be able to return the bulldog to the breeder. A good breeder will care about their puppies enough to want to see them go to the best homes possible and will be willing to take back their dog at any time if its deemed that you and the puppy aren’t a good fit.

About Cascade Bulldogs

Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog featuring celebrity bulldogs Snow White and Wildflower. Their owners are Eddie and Gail, two breeders and bulldog lovers who live in Seattle, Washington.