Cascade Bulldogs

Owning a Bulldog

Is a Bulldog Right for Me? The Pros and Cons of Owning a Bulldog

Smiling bulldog

Many looking to welcome a new dog into their home may wonder: Is a bulldog right for me? The simple answer to that is: That depends. As with any breed, bulldog ownership has its positives and negatives. Here is a list of bulldog pros and cons to help you decide.

The Pros

  • A Gentle and Mellow Temperament

Bulldogs tend to be more easygoing than other breeds. Although they can have a stubborn streak, on a day-to-day basis, they are fairly laid back. This makes them great companions for relaxing at a park or cuddling on the couch.

  • Great with Kids and Other Pets

Bulldogs are also loving and social, making them ideal for families and kids. What’s more, their mild temperament means they get along well with other pets.

  • Low Maintenance Grooming

Bulldogs have short fine hair; no tangles to hassle with!

  • Great for Families that Live in Apartments or Small Houses

They’re medium-sized— not too small, not too large.

  • Bulldogs Don’t Bark Much

Although bulldogs snort and snore, they don’t bark a lot, which makes them quieter than many other breeds. Because bulldogs aren’t known for barking, they generally aren’t used as watch dogs. But they can be intimidating when they want to be, thanks to their stocky build, wide stance and their shuffling yet surprisingly fast gait.

  • Bulldogs are Low Maintenance; They Don’t Need to be Entertained

While bulldog puppies are quite energetic, bulldog adults are generally mellow and reticent; spending much of their time asleep and snoring from their favorite bed or sofa.

  • Bulldogs Don’t Need to be Run or Taken on Long Walks

Bulldogs don’t need a lot of exercise to stay healthy (a 20-minute walk once a day is sufficient).

The Cons

  • Your Bulldog Won’t Be Able to Accompany You on Jogs or 10-Mile Hikes

Although bulldogs are great companions for laid back leisure activities (like movie nights at home), they won’t be able to accompany you on long jogs, hikes or swims. So if you’re looking for a dog who can keep up with your active lifestyle, the bulldog breed likely isn’t for you (they are, however, great for short walks!).

  • Bulldogs Don’t Do Well in the Heat

Bulldogs are particularly sensitive to hot weather, so if you live somewhere hot, you’ll need to take them on walks early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler.(Read: Summer Safety Tips for Bulldogs).

  • You Won’t Want to Stand Down Wind

This breed of dog is more flatulent than most. However, monitoring what they eat and drink will help with this issue. Exercise helps, too.

  • Bulldogs Need to be Cleaned Every Day

Their famous folds and wrinkles need to be cleaned on a daily basis.

  • Training Can Sometimes be a Challenge

Their stubbornness means they are not always the easiest dogs to train.

  • Bulldogs Must Deliver via C-Section

Bulldogs who become mothers generally need a cesarean section when they give birth, as the puppies are often unable to pass through the birth canal. This can make breeding a bulldog unusually costly.

  • They Don’t Live as Long as Some Other Breeds

The average bulldog’s lifespan is about 8 to 10 years.

  • A Bulldog Puppy Can be Expensive

Purebred bulldog puppies cost approximately $2,000-$3,000, making this breed among the more expensive ones. Their lifetime veterinarian bills tend to be high too.


If you are looking for a kind and caring best friend to keep you company at home, and if you have the time and desire to take on some of the added responsibilities of bulldog ownership (regular veterinary checkups and daily grooming routines), then a bulldog might be the perfect choice for you!

About Cascade Bulldogs

Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog that provides helpful information on raising, training and showing bulldogs. The blog’s stars are two bulldog show dogs, Snow White and Wildflower, as well as Snow White’s litter of adorable puppies.