Cascade Bulldogs

Bulldog Puppies

Photos from Cascade Bulldogs Annual Bulldog Family Reunion!

Each year at Cascade Bulldogs we hold a Family Reunion for all of Snow White’s adorable puppy offspring. Here are some of the photos from 2017’s big bulldoggy event.

Bulldog collage


bulldog puppy standing in kiddie pool Lounging in the pool.

bulldogs standing on a patio Yes? May we help you?

Bulldog sitting on steps of house Just taking a break.

White bulldog puppy What a happy pup!

Bulldog looking out from patio Hey guys! Wait for me! I want to play, too.

Bulldog puppies walking together We’re following the leader.


We’ll be having another family reunion next year so be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates!

About Cascade Bulldogs: Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog that stars two champion show dog bulldogs, Snow White and Wildflower as well as Snow White’s puppy, Declan. The site is managed by Eddie and Gail, who breed, raise and show bulldogs in Seattle.

Related Posts:

Dog Shows

When You Lose a Dog Show: How to Start Winning

bulldogs and a judge at a dog show in Seattle

Training a dog for competition takes dedication and patience, which is why it can be frustrating when you lose a dog show, especially if the losses begin to stack up. Sometimes, no matter how much training time you put in beforehand and how well you prepare, you’ll arrive at the day of the show and your dog simply won’t be in the mood to compete. Unfortunately, when that happens, there’s not a lot you can do—Just know that everyone has an off day; it’s normal. Other times, however, there may be a few bad habits you or your dog have picked up along the way that may be hindering your chances of winning.

If you find yourself continually returning home with less-than-stellar performance marks, it may be time to reexamine your strategy. The following are a few tips to put into practice to help your dog turn his losing streak around and start bringing home some “Best in Show” wins.

  • Train without your dog

One key component to winning a dog show is confidence. While the dog must appear confident, so too must his handler! This is why it can help to first practice patterns such as heeling without your dog. You’ll likely feel a little silly at first, but running through the course on your own—paying particular attention to your speed, posture and facial expressions—will make you feel more confident, which can boost your dog’s confidence level as well. This will make him more apt to trust and obey your commands. Dogs are skilled at reading body language and will respond well if their handler appears calm and self-assured.

  • Walk with enthusiasm

Your dog not only feeds off of your confidence, but your enthusiasm as well. Be mindful not to walk at a slow, dawdling pace. Put some pep in your step and exert excitement instead. Your dog will follow suit, and will have fun while doing so—and if you’re dog appears to be enjoying himself, the judges will take note.

  • Train in several different settings

If your dog perfects his commands at home but struggles to stay focused in the ring, it may be because he hasn’t gotten enough practice obeying commands in unfamiliar settings. Getting him accustomed to performing in new surroundings can help him feel more comfortable when it comes time to enter the ring.

  • Use your dog’s name sparingly

If your dog is struggling to follow a command, refrain from repeating his name over and over in hopes that he will catch on. This will likely only frustrate both you and your dog and it won’t win you any points with the judges. Instead, try to make the command simpler for the dog to understand, then say his name, but only to get his attention. Once you have his attention, make sure to follow it immediately with a command, so as not to create confusion.

  • Try switching up your commands

Pay close attention to your dog and become aware of works for him and what doesn’t. If he is having trouble with a command, this may mean that you need to switch your phrasing. For example, if your dog isn’t responding to the typical “Heel” command, you might want to change it to “Let’s go.” Some dogs also have trouble differentiating “Sit” and “Stay” (they both have ‘s’ and ‘t’ sounds), which is why some trainers prefer to use “Wait” instead to help eliminate confusion. No matter which phrase you choose, make sure to keep your tone warm and encouraging.

  • Walk through the course on your own first

Be sure to walk through the course on your own beforehand—and do so several times. The first time you do a walk-through, just focus on the general feel and flow of the course. On the second walk-through, focus on the stations and obstacles and plot how you’ll handle each move. Then, on the third walk-through, make note of any areas you believe may prove difficult, then practice the commands you would like to use in these areas.

After you’ve gotten a sufficient sense of the course and have developed a strategy, you can begin practicing with your dog by your side.

  • Re-read the event rules

If you’ve followed all these tips and find your losing streak still hasn’t improved, it could be time to reexamine the event rules. Every event is different and what may be considered acceptable in one event may not hold true for another. Study the rules thoroughly, paying close attention to which commands you’re allowed to use and how often you’re allowed to use them.

Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog featuring Snow White, Wildflower and Declan, three show dog bulldogs who live in the Seattle, Washington area. Our blog features useful tips on how to care for, train and show bulldogs (also commonly referred to as “English” or “British” bulldogs) as well as cute photos of Snow White’s adorable litter of puppies.

For more information on showing bulldogs, read our posts:

Bulldog Breeding Pregnant Bulldog

How to Care for a Pregnant Bulldog

how to care for a pregnant bulldog

There’s a lot that goes into breeding a dog of any breed, but because bulldogs must be bred through artificial insemination, breeding a bulldog can be particularly complicated. Careful planning and education, as well as the time available to devote to caring for your bulldog before and during the pregnancy is vital.

While the best person to go for advice is always your veterinarian, here are a few tips to get you started:

Caring for a Pregnant Bulldog: 4 Tips for First-Time Bulldog Breeders

1. Take her to the vet before you begin the breeding process

If you want to start breeding your bulldog, you should be aware of any health and nutritional needs before you begin. Start by taking her to a trusted veterinarian to get a preliminary health check-up and make sure she is ready for motherhood. Next, set up a care plan for your dog that you can easily refer to during her pregnancy. You want to be sure to outline what kind of nutritional meals and health check-ups she is going to need.

You can mix up her diet a bit and feed her hamburger, eggs, or skinless white chicken meat. Just be sure that they are cooked thoroughly. Adding garlic to her food may be a good idea as well, as garlic is high in amnio acids, zinc and potassium. It also assists the liver and is a good detoxifier.

2. Thoroughly research the stud beforehand

Before breeding your bulldog, you want to research what kind of male dog to match her with. Take the time to get pedigree information on the dog and review his health records as well as the health records of his parents. Ideally, it’s best to find one that has sired healthy pups in the past.

You can find bulldog owners online or at dog shows. Once you have found a good match, you can start planning the breeding process with the dog’s owner. There are several breeding options to consider: trans-cervical implants, artificial insemination, or surgical implants.

3. Think strategically about what to feed her during pregnancy

When you’re preparing your dog for pregnancy, it’s important to keep her diet consistent so she remains at a healthy weight. Feed her only high quality premium dog food with an added daily supplement that includes folic acid. If you already use a high quality brand, stick to feeding her what she is used to.

After you confirm her pregnancy, begin to steadily increase her food portions. It may be necessary to split her meals up into 3 or 4 small meals per day so that she doesn’t get too full after one big meal. If she ends up carrying a huge litter, this will become important as she will need extra nourishment throughout the day.

You can mix up her diet a bit and feed her hamburger, eggs, or skinless white chicken meat. Just be sure that they are cooked thoroughly. Meat-flavored baby foods also make a good substitute. Mixing garlic in her food may be a good idea as well, as garlic is a detoxifier and assists the liver with waste processing. Garlic is also high in amino acids, potassium and zinc. You can read more about the health benefits of garlic here, though as always, make sure to consult with your veterinarian before devising a diet plan.

If at any point she stops eating, take her to the vet right away.

4. Keep her healthy

Be sure to stay on top of her vaccinations and preventative heart worm medication throughout her pregnancy. If she lives in an area where ticks or fleas may be present, administer the proper medication monthly. There are specific medications that are best for pregnant dogs. You should talk about these with your DVM before you begin the breeding process.

When she first begins to bleed, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. They will examine her and give her a progesterone test to make sure that the pregnancy is going smoothly. The DVM will also likely measure her hormones during this visit. You should request a luteinizing hormone test to make sure she is ovulating normally. Most clinics will be able to do these tests the day of your visit.

About Cascade Bulldogs: Cascade Bulldogs is a website that provides info on caring for, training, breeding and showing bulldogs. It stars three celebrity bulldogs: Wildflower, Snow White and Declan.

Bulldog Puppies

How To Train a Bulldog Puppy: Tips for New Bulldog Parents

bulldog puppy training

Introducing a new puppy to your family, especially a bulldog, can be a fun and exciting experience. If you are not prepared and knowledgeable on how to train a bulldog puppy, however, that rewarding experience can quickly turn frustrating. A lack of proper training can cement bad habits and encourage stubborn behavior in your bulldog that will later need to be unlearned. After all, puppies are like children—They’re easier to teach and train when they’re young. Thus, if you want to save yourself time (and a few chewed shoes), it’s best to reenforce good behavior early on.

How to Train a Bulldog Puppy: The Basics

Your ultimate goal in puppy training should be to do what you can to make your puppy’s day-to-day life predictable and regimented. This will make her life (and yours) a lot less stressful. The best way to do this is to develop a daily routine.

Daily routines should include the following:

  • Designate a food and water location – Keep your puppy’s food and water bowls in the same designated area. This will teach your puppy where he can (and can’t) eat, which will help establish healthy boundaries.
  • Feed only during specific meal times – Decide on the specific times of day when your puppy will eat and only feed him at those designated times. Avoid “free feeding” because this may lead to your puppy overeating, which can cause weight problems later on. During theirfirst six months, puppies should be fed no more than 3-4 times per day. At six months of age, that number should decrease to twice a day. If you want to learn more, The American Kennel Club (AKC) provides details on how often you should feed your puppy as well as which types of foods are best for their growing bodies.
  • Stick to a regular sleeping schedule – Specify an area where your puppy will sleep and place his bed there. Also, be sure to establish a somewhat regular sleep schedule so your pup understands when it is time to go to sleep and wake up.
  • Begin house training at 12-16 weeks of age– Teaching your dog where it is acceptable to potty is vital so you can avoid accidents in the house and messes in your yard. Be patient. It typically takes puppies four to six months to become fully house trained, and sometimes it can take as long as a year.
  • Provide toys–Make sure you keep plenty of toys on hand for your pup and teach her where the toys are and what is acceptable to play with. This will help to ensure she doesn’t decide your shoes or throw pillows make for an interesting treat.
  • Start using basic command words at 7 weeks of age —Many assume puppies won’t be able to master commands until they’re older but that’s simply untrue! Puppies can understand basic commands as young as 7 to 8 weeks of age, so it’s smart to start training your pup to “sit” and “stay” as soon as you take him home from the breeder. What’s more, a good breeder will have likely already have started teaching your puppy basic socialization skills, so it’s possible your puppy will have already been introduced to those commands and others. Keep in mind, however, that puppies have short attention spans. Your puppy will likely only be able to focus on the commands for five minutes at a time, so make sure to keep your training sessions brief, but interspersed throughout the day. A good goal is to have three, 5-minute training sessions each day, for a total of 15 minutes per day.

4 Puppy Training Tips:

1. Avoid treat training if you can

Treat training can make teaching a bulldog puppy difficult because it may cause your puppy to only listen to commands when she is hungry or expects a treat. If you can, try to persuade your puppy to follow your commands using praise. Instead of feeding your puppy a biscuit each time she obeys a command, for example, tell her “good dog” and pet her head or scratch behind her ears.

2. Be firm and consistent with your commands

It’s also important to establish early on your role as an authority figure. Since dogs have a pack mentality, one of the first steps in bulldog puppy training is to clearly demonstrate that you are the pack leader.

You can do this by being firm with you commands and making sure to show your displeasure when your puppy misbehaves. Be careful to be consistent, however, as to not confuse your dog by accidentally rewarding the wrong behavior. For instance, if you are firm with your scolding but then, out of guilt, give your dog a pet, he may take this as a sign of reward. You should show your dog that the only way to gain your affection is to listen and obey your commands.

3. Use lots of praise

If you have a puppy that constantly jumps on people and you want to stop this activity, simply guide the puppy back to the floor and firmly say “no.” When the puppy listens and stays seated, you can then reward him with praise. Praising with words such as “good”, “good boy” or “good dog” in a friendly tone will show your puppy that you are proud of him and approve of his behavior.

4. Only teach one command at a time

In order to avoid overwhelming your bulldog, stick with teaching one command at a time. Do not move on to a new word until he has mastered the previous one.

About Cascade Bulldogs:

Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog managed by Gail and Eddie Harris, two bulldog enthusiasts who live in the Seattle, Washington area. Their bulldogs, Wildflower, Snow White and Declan, are celebrity show dogs who compete in dog shows across the country. You can follow all of their adventures on the Cascade Bulldogs Facebook page.

Bulldog Puppies

Snow White’s First Litter Turns 1! Happy Birthday, Cute Puppies!

One year ago this month, in March 2016, Snow White the Bulldog delivered a litter of adorable bulldog puppies.

Here are the puppies in March 2016:

Snow White The Bulldog's litter of puppies March 2016

 And here they are in March 2017, all grown up!

They’ve all gone to live in their forever homes, where they are well loved and cared for by their families. We recently asked several of those families to send us pictures of their pups and they happily obliged. As you can see from the photos, all the puppies appear to be healthy and happy! Although we miss them dearly, we’re grateful to know that they’re doing so well and have found a cherished spot in each of their new family’s hearts and homes.

Without further ado, meet Snow White’s first litter.


Rubble The Bulldog

Rubble smiling


Rubble driving in the car

Rubble the bulldog puppy hugging

Rubble the bulldog puppy

Rubble and family

Rubble’s Birthday Party

Rubble the bulldog birthday

Rubble the bulldog eating birthday treat


Vince The Bulldog

Vince puppy and mom

Vince sleeping

Vince meeting friend

Vince and family

Vince’s Birthday Party

Vince and birthday cupcake

Vince eating birthday cupcake


Emma The Bulldog

Emma sitting at window

Emma the bulldog

Emma the bulldog sneezing

Cute Bulldog puppy Emma

Bulldog walking in the snow


Bernice The Bulldog

Bernice sitting and smiling

Bernice the Bulldog sitting in the car

Bernice the bulldog funny face

Bernice the bulldog superhero costume

Bernice the bulldog looking sleepy


Cute bulldog Bernice


Rory the Bulldog

Rory the Bulldog puppy

Rory the Bulldog playing in the Snow


Seamus the Bulldog

Seamus the Bulldog sleeping on a chair

Seamus the bulldog puppy sleeping at home in Seattle

Close up photo of a bulldog sleeping

And, of course, Declan The Bulldog!

Declan is one of Snow White’s puppies that we couldn’t bare to part with, so we decided to keep him. He’s grown up to be quite the champion show dog! We’re very proud.

Declan the bulldog

About Cascade Bulldogs: Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog starring Wildflower, Snow White and her litter of bulldog puppies, which includes Declan (Search #DeclanTheBulldog on Facebook and Instagram to see more photos).

Bulldog Puppies Dog Shows

How to Pick a Show Quality Bulldog Puppy

Looking to bring home the next champion bulldog? Read this first

Although Snow White and Wildflower grew to become Grand Champion-show dogs and Snow White’s puppy, Declan, is proving to be a top-notch show dog, we haven’t always been so fortunate. When we were first starting out in the world of competitive dog shows, we weren’t familiar with the qualities that show judges look for and it was only after competing in several dog shows that we developed a critical eye for spotting a show quality bulldog puppy. Here are a few things we wish we’d known when we’d first gotten started.

1. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the Bulldog Breed Standard

The official Bulldog Breed Standard is a set of guidelines published by the American Kennel Club that detail the appearance, movement and temperament qualities that make the “ideal bulldog”. These guidelines are what dog show judges use when they evaluate bulldogs in the show ring. Thus, before you begin looking to purchase a new bulldog puppy, you must study the skeletal and facial feature photos provided in the Standard first. This will help you develop a strong base line to use when evaluating a litter.

2. Know that there’s no such thing as a “perfect bulldog”

The Standard only provides the minimum requirements; beyond that, a breeder’s personal look preferences can play a big part. Every breeder has a slightly different interpretation of  how the “perfect bulldog” looks and acts. Some breeders may prefer all-white bulldogs while others prefer brindle, for example. Some breeders may think breeding for the perfect head shape is most important while others may choose to emphasize angulation. Before choosing a breeder, make sure you have a thorough understanding of not only your breeder’s preferences but your own preferences as well.

Also, read: 9 Important Questions to Ask Your Bulldog Breeder

3. Finding an experienced breeder is vital

A show-quality pup rarely happens by accident. Experienced breeders who are trying to breed the next Grand Champion will place a lot of thought and careful-planning into the bulldog breeding process. They’ll research the pedigrees of the sire (or dam) and a lot of attention will be paid towards making sure the dam receives proper nutrition and care. Once the puppies are born, a reputable breeder will take care to ensure the puppies remain well-fed and are weaned at the appropriate times.

In addition to guaranteeing the health and genealogy of a puppy, a knowledgeable breeder will be able to recognize which puppies are most likely to grow into show-quality dogs. Though they’ll never be able to predict with full certainty, they’ll be able to pin point which dogs have the most potential based on the shapes of their heads, their bone structure and and how “short-backed” the dogs are.

4. Not all breeders are skilled at determining which puppies are show-quality

Evaluating which dogs fit The Standard and which don’t is a real skill. It takes a lot of experience and a certain amount of innate ability. Some breeders simply have not developed a critical eye for spotting show quality. It’s important to know this so that you don’t blindly trust “the experts”. You can take their opinion into consideration, of course, but when it comes to picking a show quality bulldog puppy, make sure you have the education to be able to make an objective assessment on your own.

5. Don’t let “puppy cuteness” influence your ability to be objective

Every bulldog puppy is adorable, and if you aren’t careful, it can be easy to let a bulldog’s spunky or precocious personality get in the way of you being able to make a rational, objective evaluation of their appearance. A bulldog puppy can have the best, cutest disposition in the world, but none of that will matter if it also has several qualities that don’t meet Breed Standards. If you’re looking for a bulldog puppy that you will one day be able to show in the ring, looks matters—and they matter a lot.

6. Wait until the puppy is at least a month old before making a decision

At a minimum, you want to wait until a puppy has learned how to “stack” so that you can you evaluate their angulation and bone structure. You also want to wait a few weeks to see which puppy has a more assertive personality, as outgoing dogs tend to love showing more than more timid dogs.

7. Conduct a thorough examination of the pup’s shoulders, neck, front legs, head, ears, tail, bite and teeth

Evaluating a puppy for show quality can be difficult because the puppy is still growing and changing; the three-week old standing before you may look perfect now but may morph into a very different-looking dog at the six-month mark. This guide from the American Kennel Club (AKC) goes into much greater detail on what to look for, but in general, try to choose a bulldog puppy that is proportional, short and “heavy boned”. When you stack the puppy, pay attention to the puppy’s skull shape. Look at the head from every angle; it should look broad and square. Also, make sure the pup’s ears aren’t too small.

8. Stay open-minded

One of the easiest mistakes to make when choosing a bulldog puppy is to go into the selection process with your mind already made up. If you’ve already decided that you’re only going to get a red and white bulldog before you’ve even met the litter for instance, then you’re setting yourself up for tunnel vision. This can cause you to overlook what may be the best puppy in the litter. Try to remain impartial.

9. Know that not every litter will have a show dog

In fact, many litters do not produce a single winning show dog, let alone a champion. Even if both bulldog parents were champion show dogs, that doesn’t mean their puppies will be. It’s important to keep this in mind so that your judgement doesn’t become too clouded by the pedigree parents.

10. Temperament is important, too

Although Standard-quality appearance and movement are essential, temperament shouldn’t be overlooked either. If you want your bulldog to stand out from the competition, he or she has to be happy and well-tempered as well.

When attempting to pick a show-quality bulldog, many people are drawn to the puppies that display the most energy and enthusiasm. However, puppies that are running circles around their siblings, jumping on visitors’ legs and wagging their tail and barking frequently tend to grow up to be equally hyperactive adult dogs. Hyper dogs can be harder to train and may be thinner-than-ideal because they burn so much energy throughout the day that they have trouble staying within the Standard-recommended weight.

Instead, look for puppies that seem even-tempered. These might be the puppies who hang back and observe their siblings when a new person walks into the room or who wait patiently by the food bowl when dinner time approaches. A bulldog with the ideal temperament will be, for the most part, “emotionally stable”. You don’t want a moody or restless dog or one that seems overly timid or nervous. A show-quality dog will also appear to be curious in the world around them.

11. A bulldog who doesn’t match the Standard as a puppy likely won’t match the Standard as an adult

Many make the mistake of thinking that the puppy will “grow out of” any discrepancies they notice that deviate from the Standard. Most of the time, however, it doesn’t work that way. Small, barely-noticeable faults in appearance that are apparent in puppies will often grow to become extremely obvious defects as the dog ages.

A few defects to watch for include:

  • Heads positioned directly on top of shoulders—This may be a red flag that the dog will grow up to have a short neck
  • Slightly-bowed legs—The legs should be straight. If they’re turned in slightly, know that this will only become more extreme in the passing weeks and months.
  • A curved top-line—The top-line should be level. This article has several photos that illustrate well the difference between a good and bad top-line.

12. Notice how the puppy moves

When the puppy walks towards you, you should pay close attention to his or her elbows. Do you see them jutting in and out as the puppy moves? If the answer is yes, then this is not a good sign. Also, watching the dog move can help you spot any issues with the dog’s hocks, which you may have missed when examining them while the dog  was stacked. If the puppy moves in a stilted manner or if their legs seem to bow close together when they run, then this could be a sign that the puppy has sickle or straight hocks. This article provides several photos to show you what a healthy bulldog’s legs should look like.

13. Don’t forget to evaluate the dog as a whole

Oftentimes people can get so hung up one feature or fault that they lose all perspective. Sure, the puppy you’re looking at might have a perfectly-shaped head, but what will that matter if their gait is off? A show-quality puppy should be well-balanced and should not have any major faults or overly-exaggerated features. Often times what this will translate into is a somewhat boring or “plain-looking” puppy. But some of the most ordinary-looking puppies grow up into show-winning adults. Before you make your decision, step back and take a look at the puppy as whole.

14. If your dog isn’t winning, you may need to re-evaluate your choice

After you’ve chosen your bulldog puppy and begun showing, if he or she consistently doesn’t place, it may be time to re-evaluate whether or not you’ve chosen the right dog. While the temptation may be to place blame elsewhere (like favoritism among judges or unfair competitive advantage), try to step back and take another objective look at your dog. While it could be that the judges are biased, more often than not, it’s because your dog is lacking in an important quality. This may be a point where you’ll need to retire your dog or sell him or her as a pet. Ask a few experienced breeders or dog show participants to give you an honest evaluation of your dog. It can be difficult to objectively evaluate a pup you’ve grown attached to, so you’ll need all the help you can get.

About Cascade Bulldogs: Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog managed by Gail and Eddie Harris, a couple who breeds and raises bulldog puppies in Seattle, Washington. They are the proud parents to Wildflower, Snow White and Declan, three celebrity bulldog show dogs.

Dog Shows

5 Dog Show Tips for Beginners (Infographic)

When you’re first starting out in the world of competitive dog shows, the entire process can feel overwhelming and intimidating. Though there are many things to learn—which we’ll be covering in future blog posts—we thought we’d put together a quick list of a few of the most helpful dog show tips we wish we’d had when we were first getting started.

5 Dog Show Tips for Beginners

About Cascade Bulldogs

Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog that provides info on training, showing and caring for bulldogs. It stars three “English” bulldogs in Seattle, Snow White, Wildflower and Declan. For weekly updates and photos, be sure to follow Cascade Bulldogs on Facebook. The blog is managed by Eddie and Gail Harris, who first fell in love with the world of competitive dog shows back in 2009.

Related posts:

Entering your bulldog into a dog show? Here is everything you need to know.

Owning a Bulldog

5 Myths about Owning a Bulldog

While bulldogs are a beloved and extremely popular breed, they’re also a frequently a misunderstood breed as well! Perhaps due to their complicated history (they were once bred as bull fighters) or the wealth of inaccurate information on the internet (many bloggers are well-intentioned but undereducated about the facts), bulldog myths are common and widespread.

In an effort to help better educate the public and would-be bulldog owners, we’ve compiled a list of common myths about our favorite wrinkly canine.

five myths about owning a bulldog


It’s true: Well-bred bulldogs are healthy!

One of the myths we hear most frequently is “bulldogs are unhealthy”. People think it’s cruel to breed bulldogs because of their shorter-than-average life-spans and because they require c-sections in order to give birth. But the truth is that you can avoid most—if not all—major bulldog health problems by purchasing a bulldog from a reputable breeder and insuring that the bulldog hails from a solid lineage.

In the video below, a veterinarian spokesperson from the American Kennel Club (AKC) disputes the idea that bulldogs are inherently unhealthy, saying: “Not all bulldogs have breathing problems. There are many healthy bulldogs.”

Why the myths?

1. Bad breeders

Because bulldogs are so in demand, some unethical and dishonest breeders have seen this as an opportunity for a “get rich quick” scheme.  They’ve resorted to breeding bulldogs that don’t come from quality genetic lines, resulting in an uptick in the number of unhealthy bulldog puppies being born and sold in the US and elsewhere in the world (for more information on how to discern between the honest breeders and the fakes, read: 9 Important Questions to Ask Your Bulldog Breeder). Because bad breeders are frequently uninformed, they’re largely responsible for adding to the misinformation and perpetuating the myths.

2. A skewed version of reality

The people who are quoted as sources in articles that focus on the bulldog health debate are  frequently veterinarian surgeons. As the AKC explains in the video above, these veterinarian surgeons opinions are often colored by their experiences and don’t paint an accurate picture of reality. For the most part, surgeons treat bulldogs who are experiencing major health problems because healthy bulldogs generally don’t require surgery. While it’s only natural that these veterinarians would develop a bias, it’s important that the public doesn’t mistake fact for opinion.

3. Bulldogs are popular! Maybe even TOO popular!

Bulldogs are the 4th most popular dog breed in the US. Because they’re in fashion at the moment, numerous bulldog websites, documentaries and magazine articles have surfaced in recent years in order to meet the demand for education by would-be bully owners.  Some of the information that is being shared is accurate, but much of it is not. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of fame is the spread of misinformation.

Want to learn more? Read our bulldog care page for more information about how to keep your bulldog healthy.

Bulldog Humor

7 Things You Should Never to Say to a Bulldog Owner

We bulldog owners rarely turn down an excuse to talk about our bullys. And we’re generally happy to answer any questions people may have about bulldogs (because, let’s face it, bulldogs are a misunderstood breed!). But sometimes well-meaning friends and family can say things about our wrinkly pups that border on insensitive, and well, drive us crazy.

Thus, in the name of a little good-natured fun, here are seven things you should never say to a bulldog owner:

1. “Bulldogs have a face only a mother could love.”

First of all, how could anyone say these faces are anything but 100 percent adorable?!

Cute bulldog puppy faces

And second of all:

Basically, what you’re telling us (albeit in a somewhat polite way) is that our dog is ugly. Would you tell someone their child has a “face for radio?” No? Then don’t say it about our pups. Our bullys are like our kids. And while it’s true that bulldogs have a unique look, we happen to think their faces are beautiful (wrinkles and smooshed noses and all).

2. “Why did you pay so much for your bulldog when you could have gotten one from the shelter? You could have saved a dog from being put down.”

People who are quick to judge someone for not adopting from a shelter should keep in mind that they may not know the whole story. Because the truth is that the person you’re saying that to may have adopted a purebred bulldog from a bulldog rescue group or perhaps he or she has other dogs at home that were adopted from shelters. However, even if the person did pay top dollar for a bulldog puppy from a breeder, he or she might also regularly contribute to animal-related charities. The point is, people are free to choose how they wish to give back to the world. Just because they didn’t go the shelter route with this particular dog doesn’t mean they haven’t in the past or won’t in the future. And it doesn’t mean they’re bad people.

3. “We decided not to get a bulldog because my veterinarian said they’re super expensive and unhealthy!”

While it’s true that bulldogs can be pricey, they aren’t as unhealthy as the internet may lead you to believe. You can minimize the common bulldog health problems by choosing a bulldog that comes from a good bloodline and purchasing from a reputable breeder. Read: 9 Questions to Ask Your Bulldog Breeder to learn more.

4. “Aren’t bulldogs boring? They don’t do anything but sleep all day.”

Bulldogs sleep an average of 12 to 14 hours in a 24-hour cycle, but they’re far from boring! Bulldogs are kind, loyal and affectionate. They make caring and easy-going companions and their laid-back personality means they are frequently happy to tag along on whatever adventurous activities you have planned.

5. “Your bulldog died? Well, why don’t you get another one?”

Again, some people consider their fur babies to be their children, which means that loosing a bulldog can feel as devastating as losing a child or close friend. Mourning the loss of a pet can take time and some may never be ready to move on and adopt again, and that’s okay. The choice to open your heart to another bully is a personal one.

6. “Wow, your bulldog is big, isn’t she?”

Let’s get real here. 🙂 By commenting on how “big” our dog is, what you’re really saying is that she’s “fat.” While this may or may not be true, no bulldog owner will appreciate the “what are you feeding her” implication of that question. Unless you know us well, refrain from questioning our dog parenting skills.

7. “I’d never get a bulldog because I hear they don’t live long.”

While a bulldog’s lifespan may not be as long as some other breeds (they typically live 8 to 10 years), a decade is still plenty of time to enjoy several photo albums worth of wonderful memories. Plus, no matter which dog breed you chose, there’s no getting around the fact that humans live longer than canines. Even if you select a breed with a 20-year lifespan, you’re still likely to outlive him or her. The heartbreak may not be avoidable, but that doesn’t mean welcoming a bulldog into your family won’t be worth it.

About Cascade Bulldogs

Cascade Bulldogs is a bulldog blog starring bulldog show dogs Snow White and Wildflower (and Snow White’s adorable litter of puppies). Their owners are Eddie and Gail, two breeders and bulldog lovers who live in Seattle, Washington.

Owning a Bulldog

Are Bulldogs Good with Kids?

Are bulldogs good with kids?

Bulldogs are a frequently misunderstood breed because, just like the pitbull, they have a reputation for being aggressive (a reputation that is entirely false, as any bulldog owner will you). The misconception is due to the fact that several centuries ago, bulldogs were used for bull baiting, and were thus bred to be ornery and abrasive. Although this is no longer the case, the “bulldog is aggressive” myth lives on in sports memorabilia and cartoons. Several companies and sports teams use the bulldog as their mascot, portraying him in their logos and advertisements as being a fierce warrior. Despite the bulldog’s “tough guy” image, however, nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, the bulldog is a very gentle and sweet dog that makes an excellent family pet. Far from aggressive, bulldogs have a mellow demeanor and a deep capacity for love and affection. In fact, bulldogs are one of the best breeds for families with small children, as bulldogs love kids. 

3 Reasons Why Bulldogs Make Great Family Pets:

1. Bulldogs Consider Themselves Members of the Family

As a loyal companion dog, the bulldog is extremely affectionate towards and protective of children. Bulldogs’ patient personality make them particularly good playmates for children. But as with any dog, parents should take care that young children and bulldogs are never left alone together unsupervised.

Due to their dutiful nature, bulldogs consider themselves as more than just a child’s companion, but as a protective and valuable asset to the family. Bulldog owners often feel the same way, reporting that their bully is a cherished member of the family.

The bulldog stands out above other dogs for many reasons, but is particularly notable for its immense tolerance and patience, especially when interacting with kids. As a calm and docile animal, bulldogs are seldom known to bark unless they have something important to say and can even serve as a decent watchdog due to their loyal nature and yearning to contribute to the household.

2. Bulldogs are Loyal and Protective

While bulldogs don’t top  the”best watchdog breed” list, the bulldog’s stocky appearance means that he or she can act as a solid deterrent for would-be home invaders. While bulldog-lovers find their bully’s faces adorable, to an unsuspecting robber casing a house, the furrowed brow of the bulldog can look mean, and this can come in handy. However, as the bulldog is fundamentally a gentle and laid back animal, they are not able to respond to threats as well as more aggressive breeds. Still, with their renowned ability to create deep bonds of love, loyalty, and kinship with their families, the devotion of the bulldog ensures that he or she would try their best to protect their family if the situation warranted it.

3. Bulldogs are Mellow and Calm

Families with infants or toddlers won’t have to worry about the bulldog being too hyper or energetic. Unlike breeds that are more high strung, bulldogs are mellow and calm enough to be able to tolerate a young child’s inquisitive nature or rough and tumble play. Pulls to the ears and tail aren’t as likely to bother them as it would a more sensitive breed.

As a bulldog is content to lay on the floor and snooze for most of the day, the bulldog is not a particularly active dog, so care should be taken to ensure they receive enough exercise (but not too much), as their “couch potato” stereotype is a fairly accurate one. (Read: Why do bulldogs sleep so much?) Bulldogs are also known to be chronic chewers, so it is equally important that they are provided with abundant chew toys in order to prevent them from chewing on children’s toys.

Why Families are Sometimes Hesitant

Even with all of the benefits of owning a bulldog, families sometimes hesitate to choose a bulldog as their family pet due to the bulldog’s relatively short lifespan. Many would-be owners find it unbearable to think that they might love and care for a pet only to lose them in a few years, and this prevents many otherwise lovable bulldogs from finding homes. While this is an understandable fear, it’s also one of the sad truths about dog ownership; one day you’ll eventually have to say goodbye to your dog no matter how long he or she lives. With good care and proper nutrition, however, bulldogs can live ten or more years.


For a loving family ready to open their hearts to a new pet, the bulldog may just be the perfect choice. Its loyal nature and gentle soul mean that the bulldog can fast become a cherished”doggy sibling” to kids of all ages.